Anjani K. Maurya

Anjani K. Maurya


I am a Postdoctoral Research Scholar at Stanford University and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. My ongoing projects include investigating plastic recycling through chemical and biological methods to gain a deeper understanding of plastic deconstruction.

Prior to this, I earned my Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) and the University of Bern, focusing on materials science applications in biomedicine.

My academic journey began with the Erasmus Mundus Master in Materials Science Exploring Large Scale Facilities (MaMaSELF) program, during which I studied at the University of Rennes 1 in France and the Technical University of Munich in Germany. Additionally, I hold a Bachelor of Technology degree in Engineering Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India.

I am motivated by my passion for pushing scientific boundaries and effecting positive change to utilize my expertise to address pressing environmental and human health challenges and propel the advancement of science and technology for the betterment of society.

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  1. Anjani K. Maurya, Arun S. Asundi, Ozge D. Bozkurt, Sarah A. Hesse, Christopher J. Takacs, Ravikumar Ramegowda, Jeremy Luterbacher, Chen Eugene, Gregg Beckham, Christopher J. Tassone; “In-Situ Synchrotron-Based Characterization of Soft Materials Properties and Behavior”; Bay-area Soft Matter Symposium; September 2023; Stanford, USA.

  2. Anjani K. Maurya, Arun S. Asundi, Sarah A. Hesse, Amani M. Ebrahim, Kevin P. Sullivan, Chad T. Palumbo, Allison Z. Werner, Christopher J. Takacs, Gregg T Beckham, Ritimukta Sarangi, Christopher J. Tassone; “Decoding the mechanism of autoxidation deconstruction reaction of plastics by in-situ simultaneous SAXS and WAXS”; SAS2022 International Conference; September 2022; Campinas, Brazil.

  3. Anjani K. Maurya, Ren ́e M. Rossi, Alex Dommann, Antonia Neels*; ”Unraveling the multiscale structure of fibrous materials by X-ray scattering techniques”; May-June 2022, European Powder Diffraction Conference, EPDIC17, Sˇibenik, Croatia

  4. Anjani K. Maurya Elo ̈ıse Mias, Jean Schoeller, Ren ́e M. Rossi, Martin Frenz, Alex Dommann, Antonia Neels; ”Multiscale structural decoding of electrospun fibers: from processing to possibilities for steering properties”; 30 November 2020; Empa PhD symposium 2020, Empa, St. Gallen, Switzerland

  5. Anjani K. Maurya, Amin Sadeghpour, Ruggero Frison, Riccardo Malini Innocenti, Claudio Toncelli, Marc G. Willinger, René M. Rossi, Martin Frenz, Alex Dommann, Antonia Neels; “Nucleation and growth study of Iron oxide nanoparticles from Solution for biomedical application”; GCB Symposium; January 2020; University of Bern, Switzerland.

  6. Anjani K. Maurya, Amin Sadeghpour, Ruggero Frison, Riccardo Innocenti Malini, Claudio Toncelli, Marc G. Willinger, René M. Rossi, Martin Frenz, Alex Dommann, Antonia Neels; “Nucleation and growth study of Iron oxide nanoparticles from Solution”; Empa PhD symposium; November 2019; Switzerland.

  7. Sadeghpour, N. D. Tien, Anjani K. Maurya, G. Fortunato, A. Dommann, R. M. Rossi, A. Neels; “Structure and Dynamics in the Newly Designed Polymer Nanofibers with Embedded Lipid Mesophases”; SAXS Excites 2019; 2019; University of Graz, Austria.

  8. N. D. Tien, Anjani K. Maurya, Z. Robert, Giuseppino Fortunato, M. Rottmar, Giuseppino Fortunato, René M. Rossi, Martin Frenz, Alex Dommann, Antonia Neels, and Amin Sadeghpour; “Electrospun nanofibers with embedded bioinspired membranes”; Bioinspired materials; October 2019; Monte Verità, Switzerland.

  9. Anjani K. Maurya, Lukas Weidenbacher, Fabrizio Spano, Giuseppino Fortunato, René M. Rossi, Martin Frenz, Alex Dommann, Amin Sadeghpour, and Antonia Neels; “Understanding fiber fabrication process by structural feedbacks by SAXS and WAXD”; European Crystallography meeting; August 2019; University of Vienna, Austria.

  10. Anjani K. Maurya, Lukas Weidenbacher, Fabrizio Spano, Giuseppino Fortunato, Ren ́e M. Rossi, Martin Frenz, Alex Dommann, Amin Sadeghpour, and Antonia Neels; “Understanding fiber fabrication process by structural feedbacks by SAXS and WAXD”. Poster presentation at European Crystallography meeting, University of Vienna, 21-22 August 2019.

  11. Anjani K. Maurya, Lukas Weidenbacher, Fabrizio Spano, Giuseppino Fortunato, Ren ́e M. Rossi, Martin Frenz, Alex Dommann, Amin Sadeghpour, and Antonia Neels; “Decoding structural insights of nanofibers by SAXS and WAXD”. Oral presentation delivered at Swiss Crystallography meeting, EPFL Sion Switzerland, August 2019.

  12. Anjani K. Maurya, A. Sadeghpour, L. Weidenbacher, F. Spano, G. Fortunato, R. M. Rossi, M. Frenz, A. Dommann and A. Neels. “Decoding structural Insights into semicrystalline states of polymeric nanofibers at nanoscale”. Poster presentation delivered at Empa PhD symposium November 2018.

  13. Anjani K. Maurya, A. Sadeghpour, L. Weidenbacher, F. Spano, G. Fortunato, R. M. Rossi, M. Frenz, A. Dommann and A. Neels. “Structural-morphological correlation studies in polymeric nanofibers by SAXS and WAXD”. Poster presentation delivered at Polycoll 2018, EPFL, Switzerland October 2018.

  14. Anjani K. Maurya, A. Sadeghpour, L. Weidenbacher, F. Spano, G. Fortunato, R. M. Rossi, M. Frenz, A. Dommann and A. Neels. “Structural-morphological correlation studies in polymeric nanofibers by SAXS and WAXD”. Poster presentation delivered at Polycoll 2018, EPFL, Switzerland, October 2018.

  15. Anjani K. Maurya, A. Sadeghpour, L. Weidenbacher, F. Spano, G. Fortunato, R. M. Rossi, M. Frenz, A. Dommann and A. Neels. “Study the effect of nanofiber fabrication processes into the modification of internal structure at nanoscale”. Poster presentation delivered at Swiss Crystallography meeting-2018, PSI, Switzerland, September 2018.

  16. Anjani K. Maurya, A. Sadeghpour, L. Weidenbacher, F. Spano, G. Fortunato, R. M. Rossi, M. Frenz, A. Dommann and A. Neels. “Structural Insights into Semicrystalline States of Electrospun Nanofibers”. Poster presentation delivered at EXCITE Biomedical Imaging Summer School 2018, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, September 2018. (Best Poster Award)

  17. Anjani K. Maurya, A. Sadeghpour, L. Weidenbacher, F. Spano, G. Fortunato, R. M. Rossi, M. Frenz, A. Dommann and A. Neels. “Structure-morphology correlation studies of electrospun nanofibers by SAXS and WAXS”. Poster presentation delivered at Bio-X, Empa St. Gallen, Switzerland, March 2018.

  18. Anjani K. Maurya, A. Sadeghpour, L. Weidenbacher, F. Spano, G. Fortunato, R. M. Rossi, M. Frenz, A. Dommann and A. Neels. “Structural in-situ studies for particle system synthesis and their early event dynamics in bio environments”. Oral presentation, Empa PhD seminar, Empa St. Gallen, Switzerland, January 2018.

  19. Anjani K. Maurya, A. Sadeghpour, R. Rossi, A. Dommann, A. Neels. “Structure-morphology correlation studies in electrospun nanofibers by SAXS and WAXS”. Oral presentation, Empa PhD symposium-2017, Dubendorf, Switzerland, November 2017.
  20. Anjani K. Maurya, A. Sadeghpour, R. Rossi, A. Dommann, A. Neels. “Structural analysis of electrospun fiber membrane by SAXS and WAXS”. Oral Presentation, Swiss Crystallography meeting -2017, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2017.
  21. Anjani K. Maurya, N. Saxena and P. Mu ̈ller-Buschbaum, “In-plane and cross-plane Seebeck coefficients in organic thermoelectric thin films”. 6th Energy Colloquium of the Munich School of Engineering, TUM, Germany, July 2016.
  22. Anjani K. Maurya, N. Saxena, and P. Mu ̈ller-Buschbaum, “Enhancement of Seebeck coefficient by dedoping of conducting polymer”. Summer school, Austria, June 2016.
  23. Anjani K. Maurya, N. Saxena, P. Müller-Buschbaum, "Hybrid Based Thermoelectrica". MaMaSELF status meeting, oral presentation, Rigi Kulm, Switzerland, May 2016.

  24. Anjani K. Maurya, N. Saxena, P. Müller-Buschbaum, "Hybrid Based Thermoelectrica". Poster presentation, The German Physical Society (German: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG) meeting 2016, Regensburg, Germany, March 2016.

  25. Anjani K. Maurya, "Band gap variation in bilayer graphene and silicene under transverse electric field". Poster presentation, International Conference on Advance Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICANN-2013), IIT Guwahati, India, December 2013.

  26. Lalhriatzuala, Anjani K. Maurya, Pratima Agarwal, "Structural and transport studies of ZnS thin film prepared by Doctor Blade's technique". Poster Presentation, Condensed Matter Days Conference 2011, Guwahati University, India, August 2011.

X-Ray Scattering

Data analysis

1. to be updated soon ...


1. Elementary Scattering Theory: For X-ray and Neutron Users by Dr. D.S. Sivia

X-Ray Spectroscopy

Data analysis be updated ...


1. to be updated ...


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Contact Info

Anjani K. Maurya

Postdoctoral Research Scholar

Stanford University

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park

California, 94025 USA

Phone: +1 (650) 926-4468 (o)
